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STEP #2: Your order for “Taurus Man Secrets” is almost complete. The product details will be sent to you via email in 10 minutes. Before continuing to the download page, here’s a SPECIAL ONE-TIME OFFER you may want to add to your order…

I’ll take you by the hand and guide you through your situation…

How Would You Like To Have All The Answers… And Know How to handle any problem.

You and I both know how complicated and confusing a Taurus man can be.

Yes, “Taurus Man Secrets” will teach you about him, how you can attract him, pull him closer and want him to be with you.

BUT there’s a “little” problem…

Keeping a Taurus man isn’t really a walk in the park. You may know how to attract him, you may know what he wants in a relationship… But how do you FIX those inevitable day-to-day troubles (they happen in every relationship)?

What do you do when it feels like the ground is shaking below your relationship?

How do you handle him when he gets angry, confusing… what about when he acts in strange ways? Not just in theory, but in real-life.

The Real Secret to keeping a Taurus man (for good)?

It’s simple… Just don’t break up!

That’s it.

When a Taurus man invests a lot in his relationship, he’ll work on that relationship, and put in even more work, to make it work. He’ll actually want to work on your love and communication to stay together. Especially when the going gets tough (and it does, every now and then. Just like every relationship does. As the years go buy, you both go through changes.)

So, if you know how to hang in there during those ROUGH TIMES (and 2019. will be one of those years for a Taurus!!!)…

… if you know how to RIDE THAT BULL to safety and tame that animal within him…

Then you can enjoy all that lovely sunshine once the crazy storm is just another BLIP on your love-radar.

The key… the real secret to your relationship’s success is riding those tough waves.

Because THAT is the exact moment when relationships fall apart like a house of cards in a thunderstorm.

It’s about how you react. It’s how you handle those tough moments that tell him if you’re “the One” or not.

It’s EASY to love each other when times are good… but when times are tough!

That’s when true love gets challenged.

Will you be strong enough?

Will you know what to do?

Most importantly, are you prepared …?

Proper preparation is at least 50% of the job.

Let me tell you, it’s so much easier to win a battle when you know it’s coming. It’s so much easier to tie a relationship together than to glue a broken heart together after a breakup. You just have to be ready for those tough times, and when they come (oh they will!) you want to be trained like those Navy SEALS.

Survival is a skill, and oh lord a skill yo can learn. And yes, I may sound nuts driving paralells like this but it’s for a good reason.

You worked hard on your love and I don’t want you to slip and fall on your head just because you face some, most likely, easily solvable issue just because you don’t understand each other.

When the going gets tough you’ve got to be tough(er). And properly prepared.

When you have trouble with your dishwasher, there are 2 things you can do… Read the User Manual / Troubleshooting guide, OR call an expert to fix it.

You see that’s the problem with relationships today… people throw them away too easily. A reporter once asked an old couple how they managed to stay together for 65 years, her answer will make you think.

Unfortunately, men don’t usually come with a User Manual / Troubleshooting — but I’ve made one for your Taurus man!

Trouble will come, it’s when relationships either GROW… and become stronger (since you’ve made it through a rough patch together).

OR when relationships fall apart and people give up.

Here’s the thing with a Taurus…

If you’re by his side (even when he’s going kind of crazy), if you stick in there for him… if you know how to “manage” his crazy side without him feeling managed. Then yes, he will cherish you, and value you, and respect you, and appreciate you.

More than any other woman. More than any mini-skirt gym bimbo. More than any desperate intern. Why? Because you’re his woman from then on. The one who stuck through and was by his side when he needed you most, the one who knew how to handle him.

“The One”, and only one, he feels, and knows (once you prove it), that truly… truly “gets” him.

Now that’s a different kind of relationship. A whole other level… for him, that’s a ‘Til Death Do Us Part’.

When you reach this level of commitment with a Taurus, he doesn’t look at you as his girlfriend, or wife, or fiance or whatever.

No. You are his LIFE PARTNER… a Partner… for Life.

Real commitment with a Taurus man happens on that next level, below the surface.

But getting there is NOT so easy. And not for everyone either.

Like a Bull, he won’t let just anyone Tame him.

He won’t commit to just anyone. And he may not even be the right guy for you. But you may also not be the right woman for him.

Time will tell.

One thing is for sure…

If you really like and want this guy, he won’t surrender his heart (and not fully) until he Tests you. To see how you can ride his wave.

It will take time. It won’t be easy. It may be fun, it may be challenging. And, if you’re a good match — it may very well be worth it. Your intuition, your gut feeling will tell you.

There’s one thing I know for sure.

He WILL test you. And he will try to bend you.

I don’t want you to be like deer caught in headlights… No.

I want you to be ready. Really, ready. I want you to see real-life situations, and all sorts of trouble you might experience with your Taurus man.

So when trouble comes your way (and it will), and when it tries to break you up and drive you crazy… you know how to handle him…

You know how to TAME your Taurus and keep your love afloat until the storm goes by.

But I know you can Tame Your Taurus Man.

All you need are the right ANSWERS, the right TOOLS to guide at the right time. And the best time is… before trouble comes your way. It’s about being ready for anything. That’s what I want to offer you today. A guide to Taming Your Taurus Man.

I have received thousands of letters from women all around the globe, thousands of questions about what to do with their Taurus man in all sorts of situations. I have answered many of these questions in detail, and I’ve noticed many patterns showing up very typical of a Taurus man’s behavior. I see now how much you can learn from other people’s experiences… how you can basically spy into their relationship and relate to their situation.

They came to me with all sorts of questions and I have selected 40 of the most interesting and frequently asked… I’ve answered all of them because very similar situations may happen to you and your Taurus man as well. You can learn so much from these personal experiences and they can open your eyes, teach you about the Taurus man in your life, and show you how to handle all sorts of situations.

I’ve cherry-picked these questions and answers one by one, and put them into this special guide: Taming Your Taurus Man.

DISCLAIMER: “Taming Your Taurus Man” is a digital product. Image above is for visualization purposes only.

Here’s are just some of the questions you’ll find answers to inside this unique guide:

  1. How to get my Taurus man back after pushing him away because of my jealousy?
  2. What would be the perfect gift for my Taurus boyfriend?
  3. What to do when my Taurus man is acting hot and cold all the time?
  4. What to do when my Taurus man breaks up with me over the most stupid reason?
  5. My Taurus man and I don’t spend so much time together because he is always so busy. What should I do?
  6. Should I definitely give up on my Taurus man and stop making an effort?
  7. One minute my Taurus man wants to marry me and next he barely talks to me. What should I do?
  8. My Taurus man says he doesn’t like me the way I like him, but then texts me and is super affectionate towards me. What to do?
  9. I am very inexperienced with men and I don’t know how my Taurus crush feels about me. What to do?
  10. My Taurus man got scared of commitment and I was hurt, but now I want him back. What should I do?
  11. What to do when my Taurus man is shy and slow to make a move and take our relationship to the next level?
  12. My Taurus man backed out when I told him that he is the only man for me. Now what?
  13. Is my Taurus man playing me or not? How to know that he wants something serious with me?
  14. I put off my Taurus man by arguing with him and he doesn’t want to have anything to do with me anymore. How to get him back?
  15. I have some serious communication problems with my Taurus man and I don’t know if he cooled off towards me. Should I let go of him completely?
  16. My Taurus man is very immature and doesn’t know what he wants. It drives me crazy!
  17. My Taurus man broke up with me because he didn’t want to get into a serious relationship. But, he still wants us to hang out.
  18. I asked my Taurus man to leave due to his cold and distant behavior, but we still have feelings towards each other. How to save our relationship?
  19. We are in a long distance relationship and it is very hard for me, so I scared my Taurus man off by being mad at him, so we broke up. Should I keep trying to win him back?
  20. My Taurus man wanted to leave his girlfriend for me, but now he wants to give it another shot with her. Should I fight for him or let go?
  21. I have a boyfriend, but I am deeply in love with a Taurus man that has a girlfriend as well. What should I do?
  22. My Taurus man wanted to get serious with me and marry me, but I wanted to wait for a while. Now he doesn’t want anything to do with me. What should I do?
  23. My Taurus man is great when we are together, but ignores me when we are apart. What should I do?
  24. My Taurus man is treating me differently than at the beginning of our relationship. Should I wait for him to change or should I let go?
  25. I’d like to be in an official relationship with my Taurus man, but I don’t know how.
  26. My Taurus man and I got in a huge fight and he blocked me everywhere. Now we are speaking, but things are horrible between us. Is there a future for us?
  27. Things were progressing slowly between me and my Taurus crush and I wanted to date another guy. Now he is ghosting me and I want to win him over. What should I do?
  28. After almost two decades, I met my Taurus crush again. Now I want us to have a relationship without sounding too needy. What should I do?
  29. How can I rekindle a relationship with my Taurus ex-boyfriend that broke up with me because I wounded his pride?
  30. How to get my Taurus man to fully commit and marry me?
  31. I am in love with my Taurus colleague, but he might be changing jobs soon. Should I confess to him my feelings?
  32. Is my Taurus crush really interested in me or does he just want us to be friends with benefits?
  33. Does my new Taurus boyfriend really like me? What his intentions really are?
  34. I met a great Taurus guy online and things were going great. But, when I suggested meeting in person, he backed out. What should I do now?
  35. I went on a first date with a Taurus guy. Everything went great, but now I haven’t heard from him for days. Does he even like me at all?
  36. I broke up with my Taurus man due to a lot of stress that I was going through at work. Now, I don’t know if he wants to get back together. How can I decode him?
  37. My Taurus husband is acting so distant. I am afraid he doesn’t love me anymore. What should I do?
  38. My Taurus ex is extremely afraid of commitment. We are kind of back together now, but I don’t want to scare him off again. What should I do?
  39. My Taurus man likes to go out with his friends without me. Should I feel offended? Should I trust him?
  40. My Taurus crush and ex-coworker pulled back and said that he has to focus on his work. Now he won’t even talk to me. What have I done wrong?

This real-world, practical Taurus trouble-shooting guide will help you Tame that Bull inside him. I walk you through real-life, exact situations and how other women solved, this alone will teach you so much more about a Taurus man than anything else could. Because it’s not theory, it’s real-life.

Other women have PAID good money for these answers… but you’ll get them all at a fraction of their price. But there’s a catch.

I won’t be offering this special guide again at this price. THIS IS THE ONLY time and place you can get ahold of it… Here’s why.

Taming Your Taurus Man” comes with a very special bonus… you can get all of your question answered!

When you decide to add “Taming Your Taurus Man” to your order today, you’ll also receive a special DIRECT-ACCESS line with me. Personally. Not my support team, not my assistant, but me — Directly.

I normally charge private clients hundreds of dollars per hour to guide them in their relationship, but you won’t pay nearly as much. This is an exclusive deal only for those who add “Taming Your Taurus Man” to their order today.

This means that I’ll take you by the hand, guide you all the way and tell you what I think, what you should do, and help you to uncover what’s really going on in your relationship.

You can ask me anything you’d like in the next 60 days. As many questions as you have! There are no limits.

This is all 100% private and Strictly Confidential between you and me. I take your privacy very seriously, and will never share any private information. Think about me like your Lawyer, or Doctor. Attorney-client priviledge.

But please keep in mind, this is NOT a Compatibility Reading (I don’t compare your birth charts), but my personal, astrological relationship consultation.

This is for you if you…

This is NOT for you if you…

Now, I can’t guarantee results. Nobody can.

Some relationships are just not meant to be. And if it’s so… I’ll tell you that, honestly.

I won’t sugarcoat things for you. I will tell you what’s good for you. Why? Because you want total honesty and opennes.

If he’s not the guy for you, shouldn’t you know? Isn’t it better that you know it than that you waste your time and experience heartache on some guy who doesn’t deserve you? Knowing when to quit trying is essential to making yourself available for Mr. Right, when he comes along.

On the other hand, if you seem like a good match, I’ll help you make it happen.

“How much does it cost Anna?” I can already hear you asking

Since you just purchased Taurus Man Secrets, I will  charge you only an additional $97 for  the “Taming Your Taurus Man” package, which includes direct access to me for your personal questions. Most of my clients say that this alone is worth more than everything else.

I normally charge hundreds of dollars for private consultations. But since you are already a customer, I’m able to give you this one-time offer at this special price. And you’ll have 2 full months to ask me questions. That’s more than enough time for you to figure things out with your Taurus guy.

So you can ask me anything you’d like and I’ll give my best to help you figure him out.

I’ll try to get back to you (with your questions) as soon as possible. Sometimes the same day, other times it can take me a few days… but I’ll always get back to you with my guidance, personally — guaranteed. And I’ll put you in front of the line, before any other clients.

You can write me any time, whether it’s 2am or 2pm. No limits. Whatever happens, I’m here for you.

But you have to decide right now, because I don’t know how long I’ll be able to keep this deal available. Spots fill up rather quickly.

That’s why I can only offer you this chance ONCE. Because I have to give everyone that same chance. The # of available spots is limited, so if you feel this is for you, I urge you to act now.

How to get access to my “Taming Your Taurus Man” deal?

To get this additional offer, all you have to do is click the orange “Add To My Order” button below and you’ll be charged an additional $97 (one-time payment). You’ll receive instant access to the VIP email address on the next page.

ADD TO MY ORDERPayment Methods

NOTE: “Taming Your Taurus Man” comes in convenient PDF format, plus you get access to my private email address to get your questions answered, it all comes at just a one-time charge of $97. Click “Add To My Order” to automatically take advantage of this special offer.

However you decide now,

I wish you all the best of luck and love with your Taurus man!

May the stars be on your side,

See you inside,

Your Friend and Relationship Astrologer,

P.S. You Have Nothing To Lose To Give This a Try. Your Order is Secure and Your Satisfaction is Guaranteed.

Your “Taming Your Taurus Man” order is also protected by my 100% money-back guarantee!

I want you to be completely satisfied with your purchase and that’s why I’m taking all the risk off of your shoulders.

I have personally helped thousands of women with their man using the ancient powers of Astrology, I am confident and happy to do the same for you.

If, for whatever reason, you are not completely satisfied with your purchase today, simply email my support team within 60-days and you will receive a full and prompt refund. Your purchase is completely risk-free.