To All My Sisters Who Chat With Their Taurean Love Interests
Make Sure You’re Not Making These 3 Disastrous Mistakes When Texting a Taurus
Learn How To Keep Him Glued To The Phone Waiting For You To Reply
"Why is he not texting me back?“
If I had a penny every time someone asked me that...
Did you ever text your Bull and get a cold reply?
Perhaps it took him forever just to write a one-word response (which clearly states that he doesn't wish to continue chatting to you)...
Or perhaps he didn't even bother to reply in the first place... even though it's clear that he's read your text.
How rude, right?
I mean it's not just rude... it feels terrible, to be honest. (pardon my French)
As a communicative Gemini, I honestly hate it when guys do that...
Taurus is among the worst when it comes to ghosting sensitive women that don't deserve such treatment.
It's a bit blunt, and Taurus guys being a bit lazy doesn't help at all...
It seems so easy to lose their attention.
One minute they seem so interested in what you have to say and then they just drift away...
You can type for hours and enjoy interesting and deep conversations that bring you two together and just when you start letting go and fully enjoying the thought of you two sharing intimate moments forever...
You rationally think that something must have interrupted him and that he'll soon be back to continue the previous eruption of those lovely little texts... and you wait.
You wait for a minute (and it seems so long compared to when he instantly replies)
Then it's a couple of minutes...
Then it's an hour... (but you still hope he'll soon reply)
Eventually, a whole day passes and it's obvious to you that... it just didn't matter to him that much.
But how can it be? He seemed so inspired by you. Your conversation flowed so smoothly...
It's as if you two finished each other's sentences... He seemed to be a perfect fit and you were certain that he was very much into you... and then... straight out of the blue...
And you're left with seeping anxiety, not knowing what suddenly got into him.
Perhaps you ask him directly and you get a vague answer that he was busy or that he forgot to text you or...
Your usual generic prop from the Taurean „I-don’t-care” arsenal.
You try to rehabilitate the relationship, but from that moment on... everything seems to go downhill.
Eventually, the relationship ends up extinguished before it even started... like a beautiful shooting star whose glorious light burst and disappeared without a trace in a blink of an eye.
That's one scenario.
The other is an emotional rollercoaster.
The emotional rollercoaster is very much the same as the previous scenario except for this:
In a series of text-shots that you fire, trying to get him back, you seem to strike a chord (the right one) and he's into you again...
But not for long.
Soon enough, he starts pulling away for no obvious reason again.
And the hot-and-cold games continue until you're exhausted, depleted, anxious, angry, sad, awry, and insecure...
What are you, a plaything of his?
An instrument to pass the time until he finds someone he likes more than you?
Well, sister, if any of this sounds even remotely familiar to you, it's certainly time to be alarmed...
But don't despair yet.
I'm here to tell you that this phenomenon is actually more common than you think, especially if a Taurus is involved.
Don't get me wrong... I don't have anything against the Bulls. I actually have great respect and love for this sign.
Their ghosting tendencies can actually seem a bit counter-intuitive since generally, Taurus guys are loving and nurturing, BUT...
There's nothing counterintuitive if you know the reasons behind their behavior.
The Real Reason Why Taurus Guys Disappear All Of A Sudden
First of all, it's not their fault. It's their stars. It's just how they're made.
Taurus is a very practical sign and sometimes... if something goes completely against the grain, it's his astral instinct to start thinking that you are not the one for him.
If one thing is off it sparks a chain reaction in their astral nature and their whole being starts resonating with:
She is not the one. It's just not meant to be.
That makes him just drop it like it's hot.
It doesn't matter how much he seems to be interested in you if his red light starts flaring... it's the end for you and him.
That is actually a part of his defence mechanism.
Sometimes, if he likes you, he'll leave you even faster if you strike a wrong chord.
He will do that because he's afraid to invest himself emotionally if there's even a hint of discord.
It's not cowardice.
Taurus men act like this because deep down, they all know that once they let you inside their heart... they let you in all the way.
That's why it sometimes takes Bulls a tremendous amount of time to fall in love...
That's why a woman who's after a Taurus' heart, should tread very carefully because...
One wrong step could ruin it all.
Well, I'm here to help you make all the right steps that lead straight into his heart of hearts and stay there forever and ever...
Even if you already blew it, you can still save the day, get him back and have him love you more than he ever has…
For those of you that don't know me

Hi, I am Anna Kovach.
As a relationship astrologer and a consultant, I've spent the last few decades helping thousands of women find, attract and keep their Mr. Rights.
Thousands of women are thanking me every day for helping them improve their relationships, become more intimate with their partners, and even get their love interests back after making mistakes that end relationships.
Hundreds of the women whom I've counseled have successfully dealt with Taurus men and won their hearts...
Even though Taurus is one of the most complex and mysterious signs in the Zodiac... I know him like the back of my pocket.
Not many relationship consultants and astrologers can say that.
Most of the content on Taureans consists of a few dozen generic facts that don't even begin to cut it.
That's why I want to help you understand why your Taurus interest acts the way he acts, what melts his heart and what puts his love to rest...
I want to help you understand what moves him towards you and what drives him away.
I believe that Astral Knowledge is meant for everyone and that all of us should use it to understand ourselves and those around us.
It's our purpose to align... not just with our stars... but with ourselves and each other as well.
That's why the 4000-year-old science of astrology has been bestowed to us – to Love and Be Loved.
A 9-centuries-old library I inherited from my aunt/grandmother allowed me to dive deep into the secrets of the Taurean Astral Psyche...
Now the time has come for that knowledge to be translated into languages that the modern world can understand.
That's why I want to use this arcane wisdom and help you grow and nurture your relationship with him.
To make sure you don't blow it all up before you even get the chance to make him fall in love, in the next few paragraphs you'll read about:
The Worst 3 Mistakes Women Make When Texting Taurus Men & How to Make Sure You Don’t Get Ghosted
Mistake #1: Texting Too Much
Taurus men are very simple and don’t like to be bothered too much. The last thing you want to do to these peaceful men is to send them text, after text, after text.
If they don’t reply straight away, it’s because they’ll do it in their own time.
They also don’t want to appear too keen. So it’s important not to text them too often, otherwise, they may think you are desperate.
Mistake #2: Sending Naked Pictures
If you start getting sexually explicit with a Taurus man, that’s how he will always view you — as a sexual object. Even if he pushes for it — and he may, being a sexual Taurus male — keep your clothes on and your dignity intact.
Mistake #3: Sending Insecure Messages
Don’t send texts like “do you really love me?” “Were you flirting with other girls at work today,” etc…
He doesn’t appreciate you watching his every move and not trusting him. It will only push him further away.
Also don’t send messages like, “Do you really find me pretty? I really want to lose some weight and then I know I’ll be even more beautiful.” If he is dating you, he finds you pretty and attractive. Messages like this will make him think you don’t value yourself very much.
It will put him in a position of power, as you’re telling him that you only, in a way, want to be beautiful for him.
Never do this (with any guy).
Sometimes Taurus men lose interest and texts stop — keep reading to find out why.
Not making these mistakes is just the first step towards successful texting with a Taurus guy.
If you really want to bewilder him with your words I suggest that you delve deeper into astrological wisdom.
However, note that texting is not the same as your usual communication with a Bull.
One wrong word… no…
One wrong punctuation mark… can drive Taurus away from you just the same as one right sentence can make him view you in a completely different light than ever before.
A right combination of words can pierce through the Taurus’ armor and shoot the arrows of love right into his heart.
Because he can’t see your face, your gesticulation, or hear your voice, he has to imagine it… so different rules apply.
Actually, think of it as a difference between watching a movie and reading a book.
The art of writing is basically employing words to touch the listener's heart and bedazzle his mind.
It’s a sophisticated form of communication in which different rules apply than when you chat in real life.
The topic is too broad for the likes of this webpage, but if you really want to become a master in texting…
And if you want to use that mastery to deepen the intimacy that you two lovebirds share… I’ve got a perfect book for you.
Since the age of troubadours and minstrels when the culture prohibited that a knight sees or courts his maiden out in the open…
When ladies were trapped in towers and could only wave a handkerchief to signify their sympathy for their suitor…
Lovers have communicated via letters.
Now when we’re all communicating online, much is still the same.
The dynamics of modern life have inclined us to resort to texting and I’ve studied this peculiar way of communication for a long time.
At last, I’ve figured out a method of texting Taurus men so that you get them to fall for you.
My method will surely help you convey your true wonderful self that he will love… and not only will you learn a lot about him, but about yourself as well.
I present to you:
"Taurus Text Magic"
64 Ready-to-send Texts to Make Him Yours

DISCLAIMER: “Taurus Text Magic” is a digital product. Image above is for visualization purposes only.
If any of these statements resonate with you then this special guide is meant just for you.
- You’re in the dark about what your Taurus likes to hear and what gets him to shut you off
- He ever ignored your message
- It takes him ages to reply to you
- He sends short, cold, formal texts.
- He doesn’t seem genuinely interested in you
- Despite the interesting start of your conversation and all the fireworks in the beginning he started to pull away, close off and talk less
- Your conversations became dull and you’re afraid he’s losing interest
- You’re in a long-distance relationship and you want to breathe new life into your mutual flow
- Or you’re constantly anxious because you’re not sure what to write to him & how to respond
- And even if you just want to learn how to improve your skills of written communication so that you, at last, have a bulletproof system that Taurus guys will fall for,
Here's what my guide will teach you:
So there you have it. The step-by-step guide to texting that hot Taurus guy you like and making him chase after you like you never thought possible.
Hurry up because this offer won’t last forever.
Some of my sisters have sent me their texts with their Taurean partners so that I can analyze the chat, decipher his intentions and provide a little guidance…
Women with Taurean situations often need just 1 text to trigger Bulls primal desire and turn the tables to their advantage.
Done-For-You Messages that you can just save in your notes and then copy & paste for each occasion have proven to be very useful for my sisters.
I’ve made sure that the book is available for you in a convenient e-format that you’ll love and that you’ll be able to use at any time (on your phone)…
It’s enough to just copy and paste some of these messages and see the results in no time.
And don’t just take my word for it.
I've used these exact secrets to guide other women to a better relationship with their men.
Here's what some of them have to say:
“I love the practical advice you give! I've followed astrology for years and with most of it is the same stuff repeated. BUT YOU ARE DIFFERENT!! You give new insights and advice that I've never heard before. Thank you!” - Alanna
“Thank you Anna... I appreciate your guidance - you have given me so many insights to stay on track while I get to know his sign better and all the things I've missed a long the way... It's a very exciting journey and mostly enjoyed because of what has already been revealed... x” - Lora
“I'm very impressed with how accurate your information is when it comes to my man's sign. It's helped me navigate the relationship in a totally different way than I ever would have prior. It's made our communication better because I understand where his actions are coming from, so I respond rather than react! I'm no longer feeling triggered or overly sensitive when he seems to appear more distant...I now understand his needs more deeply. Those are the times that I let him be and concentrate more on myself and my own needs. As a Life Coach it's helped me see how powerful this "inside track" can be in relationships. THANK YOU Anna!” - Deborah
“Well worth receiving and following Anna. She is very accurate and I find her highly intuitive! I never thought I would follow her, however after reading the report you will find she carries so much knowledge and is very warm and friendly always trying to help better your life!” - Lynn
“The information I received was very informative, and interesting. It really made me see things in a different way. And some of the tips worked well when I put them in motion. I like the fact that I will be able to reflect back on this information whenever I want. Thank you.” - Michelle
“So accurate! It was really helpful to me to understand the sing and things that I didnt know how to deal with! Now I have a deeper understanding and much clarity of how he feels and thinks, so I know how to act with him. Thanks a lot!!” - Diana
“I found the information Anna shared to be very helpful indeed..after using all of the tips she shared, I can honestly say that the transition which took place in my relationship with Mr Aquarius, has been phenomenal..I'm truly grateful and would definitely recommend Anna's expertise on the subject of Astrology and how it affects our relationships..the great part is, its all so effortless when you have the right tools and the relevant information to use..I feel confident and calm and all is well in my World..Thanks to Anna” -Shantha
“Anna is amazing. I’ve been reading her publications to give me a better understanding of the man in my life through her knowledge of people through their sun and moon signs. Even after 30+ years of marriage I’ve learned better methods to communicate with him. And it happened because Anna shared her very special skill of understanding people from their horoscope signs. Anna is caring and supportive and truly wants to help couples to better understand one another. I would encourage anyone to read Anna’s work. She’s amazing.” - Barbara
“This lady is so accurate it’s scary how she described my guy. She is sooooooo good” - Lisa
“ I am so impressed with Anna's guides. I have read aquarius men dirty secrets and it is very accurate, perfect advise to understand his personality in so many areas. Moon in Aries gave me a complete idea about the emotional landscape of my man. Her newsletter about "how to conquer aquarius every month, are the most comprehensive and value advice about how to approach him. She is an extraordinary astrologer.” - Gaby
“Anna’s work has given me so much insight on both past and present relationships- I’ve learned so much about my partner, and surprisingly, I’ve learned even more about myself. Finding the tools to better communicate in a way that is not only effective, but effortless has been the key in improving my relationship.” - Ashley
“I loved all the secrets Anna had to share and her personal stories made it feel almost like home... Iam definitely working on some and i already see a major change!!! If i had Money i would probably buy all her books amd maybe pay for travel expenses to follow her around lol... No Seriously i Usually do not take my time to leave any opinions not out of ignorance just timing... But I give her AA++ So i felt she deserved some good Feed back!! Thanks again Anna and i look forward to looking into some more of your Amazing Secrets!!!” - Jillian
“I never believed in astrology but after joining this page, I can say that this is mind blowing. I am really impressed by the results and the accuracy is insane !! Keep up the good work Anna !!” - Kim
“Anna knows exactly the traits and characteristics of my Aries man.. she had been revealing tips to help bring itd closer together without scaring him off.. worth every penny” - Robyn
“Hi! I was super skeptical about this, but decided to take the quiz for s**ts and giggles. I was pleasantly surprised at how accurately this nailed my mans personality. From the obvious traits, to his little quirks. The advice was/is spot on! I even shared some of these traits with him and even he couldn't deny how spot on it is. Thanks for the insights! Super useful!” - Maggi
“Just want to say Thank You from the bottom of my heart, so far I’ve taken your advice and our relationship couldn’t be better” - Elizabeth
“I LOVED reading all of the insight she seemed to have and it always hit so many things right on the nose!!! I’ve always been into astrology but the accuracy she has is just mind-blowing!!! Definitely worth every minute!!!” - Sarah
“Anna is absolutely amazing!!! She has hit everything with accuracy and unbelievable insight! I have never been happier” - Jessica
“Hi Anna, you have really helped me to connect with my Leo man. We had a little hic-up in our relationship, and when I purchased you Leo Man Secrets, it helped me to understand him much more. We are getting along excellent now. Our relationship is moving forward to positive energy. I can't thank you for all your support when I write to you for advise. You head me in the right direction every time. You are truly amazing. Best wishes” - Sharon
“Thanks Anna.Your advised me thoroughly how to cope and much more about my relationship with my partner.and they all worked” - Carrie
“Thank you for roadmaping where I need to be with my special someone. Your books brought the one I love back in my life ! Thank you for your advice and knowledge on astrology.” - Regina
“Thank you Anna! The book I have purchased from you has helped me understand so much. The information is very useful & it is enjoyable reading!” - Carole
"Thanks Anna you are amazingly accurate and spot on ! Your books have been invaluable in helping me understand men ! Everyone should be using Astrology to help them understand the people in their life and the way explain things is so simple even for people who are new to astrology ! Please keep writing more books for us !” - Shanna
“What can I say but Wow! So insightful. Anna because of your Taurus guides and other useful tips and guides that you send or that I have purchased, I am forming a beautiful bond with a really great guy! Being an Aries, I am certain I would have chased him away or impatiently run away myself. The information is so golden to understand his temperament and the whys as well as putting me at ease by the knowing. I have also grown personally from the valuable information! Thank you!!!!” — Jennifer
By now you must be wondering what’s the investment for this stellar guidance.
It’s hard to put a value on something that can make your Taurus want you 3 times more just with a simple push of a button, don’t you think?
I'd normally charge $49 for Taurus Text Magic for general public…
But today, just for the members of my tribe, I’ve arranged a special promo price of mere $27.
Yes, for a short amount of time, this amazing guide will be available to you for only $27 (less than you’d pay for a good bottle of wine).
I’m not sure how long will this discount last so make sure to invest in evolution of your texting and relationship while this promo is still available.
I believe that we all have to give our contribution to keep society together.
This special discount is my gift to you so that you can easily afford to invest in your future with a Taurus guy.
Use it wisely, but hurry up, because the discount won’t last forever.
What matters for me the most is that you use it and reap all the amazing benefits… so that both you and your Taurus guy find the happiness that you deserve.
Why let petty communication breakdowns stand in the way of true love and attraction?
I’m determined to not let that happen.
I want to remove all the obstacles from your way and help you safely overcome any hurdles on your path to a long-lasting commitment with your Taurus guy.
That’s why I want you to Feel completely safe while investing in the future of your relationship.
That’s maybe the best part. You can give this a try and see how it works for you, absolutely risk free!
Bring Him Closer With These Texts Or Your Money Back
(60-day, 100% satisfaction money-back guarantee)
You have my iron-clad guarantee that I’ll return your investments down to the last penny in the unlikely event of you not liking my book.
It never really happened before, but I always like to give my fans the opportunity to get all their money back in case they don’t find my guidance helpful.
So, if for any reason unknown to me you don’t like my writing, all you need to do is email me in the next 60 days and I’ll return every penny – no questions asked!

Your peace of mind and heart fulfilled matter to me more than finances.
I’ve got those sorted out already, so… (although materialism is not to be discarded, especially when dating a Taurus).
What really matters is that you seize his heart (in a good way) and ensure the longevity of your relationship.
I want you to feel completely safe and provided for while investing in your love life. It’s that important to me that you succeed in it.
That’s why I am offering you this 100% satisfaction & money-back guarantee to assure that your investment will definitely be worth it.
So, with nothing to lose and everything to gain, why not give it a try?
See how it works for you!
You pay only $27
I believe that there are 3 kinds of women in life:
- There are those that are born compatible with Bulls
- Those who work on it
- Those who leave it to chance and blow it
The truth is that with Taurus… you don’t get that many chances to check where you belong.
I believe you’ve read this far for a reason and that it’s no coincidence that this guidance found its way to you.
If you think that as well I think you’re just one click away from doing everything you could to learn about how you can communicate with him in the best way…
You pay only $27
Instead of chatting to a cold, distant, unresponsive Taurus…
Instead of him avoiding conversations with you…
Instead of those confusing one-word texts that leave you anxious…
You will now know all the rules of texting… and you’ll get actual sentences from him.
You’ll get him to respond immediately and write you all the time.
Just think of him checking on you to see if you got home in time… asking about your day and actually WANTING to hear more about what you feel…
Imagine him being interested in helping you get through life and going above and beyond to show you that you’re never alone… that he always thinks about you.
Wouldn’t it be nice to feel safe with a man for a change?
Wouldn’t it be nice to feel that someone’s infatuated with you?
Wouldn’t it be nice to be appreciated?
I bet it would.
That’s why I wrote a one-of-its-kind book only on Taurus so that we make sure that you get him.
To the extent of my vast knowledge, this is the only book in the world that explain how to text a Bull in such a thorough manner.
If you’re ready to learn how to make that happen, all you need to do is click below.
You pay only $27
Text away and never look back again,
Your friend and relationship astrologer,
Anna Kovach

P. S. I’ll let you in on a little secret. Most of the women believe in coincidence or in fate. Actually, our lives are a mix of both.
This is one of the biggest secrets of the Zodiac. The stars don’t want us to leave everything to them. That’s why the science of Astrology was bestowed to us – to find the best way to align with our stars.
Sometimes it’s not enough to just make a wish.
A lot of times the stars want us to act… with respect to their inclinations of course. Use this secret wisely and may the stars watch over you.
P. P. S. With my 100% satisfaction guarantee that you’ll get all of your money back in case you don’t like my content, you don’t have anything to lose.
In fact, the only way for you to lose is to miss this opportunity of feeding the flame of love and passion with your Taurus.
P. P. P. S. If you have thumbs and know how to copy and paste, you can spark his desire for you with these messages. They’re a safe recipe for a successful relationship that you can keep in your phone and paste & send without thinking.
If it’s a long-distance relationship and you’re communicating a lot via Facebook, Instagram or WhatsApp… even better.
Even if he’s gone from your, always remember that only one message sent at the right time could bring him back.
You pay only $27
“You can have the relationship you want!”
Anna Kovach is known as the most sought after relationships Astrologer and advisor to commitment-seeking women across the globe. Anna's guidance and astrological insights have helped countless women get the relationship they desire.
She is famous for saving 'failed' relationships, helping women secure their 'One' and showing seemingly incompatible couples “how to speak the same language.”
She uses her gift and knowledge of Astrology & relationship psychology to help couples connect and gain an intense understanding of each other. All through the power of practical and accurate astrological advice that anyone can apply to their relationship — just without the hype, overcomplicated professional terminology or vague and confusing astro-speak.
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