Taurus Man Horoscope for September 2024

by Anna-Kovach, relationship astrologer
Are you wondering how September is going to treat your Taurus man? Check out the September horoscope predictions for a Taurus man...

Hello my dear, and welcome to the horoscope reading for your Taurus man for September. Schools are basically back in session right now, and the mentality is somewhat more focused, a little bit more organized, and perhaps the memories of summer are beginning to fade.

However, it’s a brand new season and a chance to do a little bit of a relationship reboot. In terms of those in the Southern Hemisphere, you’ve finished a long winter, you’re aching for spring to begin, and so you guys are also feeling in the mood for some inspiration.

So I want to inspire you this month about your relationship with a Taurus man because there’s so much to be gained. There’s a lot of exciting activity which leads to some romance, a more productive frame of mind, with an important acknowledgement of a need for flexibility and compassion.

We have lots of planetary changes this month, and in general, I’m feeling a very different energy. We’ve got Mercury now direct, we’ve got Mars changing signs early in the month, so there certainly is a different flavor to September. There’s something subtle, sweet, and delicate about it, and we need to get going and analyze the potentials.

Here’s what the stars have in store for a Taurus man this September…

New Moon in Virgo – 2nd of September

Now, the New Moon in Virgo is awesome for those brand-new relationships. So, if you are just starting a relationship with a Taurus man, or maybe you’ve been friends with benefits but are thinking of moving it forward, this is actually a great time for a new relationship to get off on a really positive footing.

How do you do that? It’s about showing each other love, care, and compassion, but it possibly isn’t about being wildly adventurous as a couple. He’s in a slightly more cautious frame of mind; he wants to have a little bit of fun, but he doesn’t want to be pressured out of comfort zones.

If you’re married, it’s definitely a period to have some date nights, go out more, and just generate a little bit of excitement and anticipation. Right now, anticipation is everything, so there must be something you’re looking forward to. You don’t want to let the relationship feel like a desert where everything just looks the same and is always predictable.

Mars enters Cancer 5th of September

Mars entering Cancer can sometimes be a tricky one with Taurus Man. On one hand, he is more eager to communicate, but he can also be more sensitive. So, it’s kind of important to handle him with care.

On one hand, he’s rather chatty, but he’s quickly triggered, and there can be a little hint of anger. So, if there’s anything that’s been grating on him recently, he’s more likely to have words about it, and he’s more likely to speak his mind.

However, it’s important not to enter into any debates or get drawn into bickering. It’s important to try and hear him out and then come up with some constructive solutions.

What he might try to do is drag you into some sort of emotional alleyway that can be hard to get out of, and you don’t want to get into some dead-end street of confrontation. So, it’s important to be positive and constructive about conversations but be very wary of an emotional trap that he could be creating.

Mercury enters Virgo 10th of September

Mercury is at home in Virgo; it rules that sign, and Virgo is also a sign strongly connected with romance and fun when it comes to Taurus Man. So, what this signifies is an opportunity for you both to pep up your romantic life.

It doesn’t have to be all about romance; it can be about stimulating conversations, going new places, hanging out with friends, but it should certainly be about something that makes the relationship feel a little bit bright, breezy, and carefree. It’s important that you have a break from all the stresses and strains and that you just get out to places where you feel you can have a laugh.

This is certainly a time to be ringing up those friends with whom you feel most at home and comfortable, and who bring a certain vibrancy into your life. You don’t want to do anything that’s going to feel like a chore because this is all about being a little bit spontaneous and knowing what helps you both to feel youthful and alive, and doing more of that. It’s also about knowing what makes you both feel irritable and grumpy, and avoiding that.

Sun enters Libra 23rd of September

Now, this represents a kind of practical phase. It’s not necessarily as easy to have fun, and often there are responsibilities to be dealt with. It’s a time where you should kind of be organized and keep up with any routines and schedules.

The key for this phase is: do it now, try not to put things off or procrastinate. Give him a little bit of encouragement to take action, as you know, a Taurus man can be a bit passive and lazy, and this is a time when he often procrastinates, which can actually lead to rising tension.

So, focus on what needs to be done—first things first—and just try to clear the deck of anything that’s causing anxiety, worry, or any jobs that are pending.

Venus enters Scorpio 24th of September

Now, this represents a really good phase for those of you who are in committed relationships, and it’s also a chance to make relationships more stable and increase the amount of cooperation. Venus entering Scorpio is generally a wonderful token for relationships for a Taurus man, and therefore, both new and existing relationships get a boost.

However, there is a caveat: there has to be a fair amount of give and take. If either of you feels that the relationship is a one-way track where one is giving more or perceives they are giving more, there can often be jealousies and resentments.

So, it’s important to listen and to genuinely cooperate. Sometimes it’s a good idea to get a brand-new goal and get stuck into that because that can be a way of building trust and reinforcing your coping mechanisms together.

Mercury enters Libra 27th of September

This represents a strong focus on cooperation and also consolidation. It’s time to cut out the clutter and the noise from your relationship. You need to reduce anything that is detracting and get to the core of what needs to be done. It’s also a great time for important conversations.

This is also the time to just get the emotion out of the way, understand what the facts of the matter are, and don’t be distracted. Just keep in your lane and keep everything on track, but don’t try and be wildly ambitious or risk-taking in terms of what you do in the relationship.

Themes for a Taurus Man this September 2024…

This is a month where there are lots of possibilities for romance, cooperation, renewing affection, and for both new and old relationships to become a little bit more exciting.

However, you have to be low on risk, and you have to maintain sensitivity because there can be cross words, and there are times when he’s easily triggered.

So, it’s a matter of being diplomatic and reassuring and always reducing pressure. Sometimes there are serious things to be achieved, so don’t lose focus on matters of importance because that can lead to extra stress.

Magic Motto – “Team work means teamwork on nailing the bad stuff, but also teamwork on making the great times even better.”

Magic Text – “The rewards of this relationship are worth all the effort and I love every piece of it.”


The moon waxes from the 2nd to the 17th of the month and this fortnight is ideal for initiating projects, beginning brand new activities, being proactive and more risqué or audacious. After the 17th is the time for more caution, reflection and to take a slightly more measured approach.

This is potentially quite a good time for marriage because he is quite available to you. There’s extra time for talking and he enjoys spending time deepening the relationship. What he really is craving now is security, so as a partner you need to be his rock, something that’s unswerving and totally reliable.


This is not a good month for large-scale group activities or for having a lot to do with friends or your social circle. You should be cautious to avoid gossip. It’s also a time when he should be more reserved about his use of social media as it’s very important to be private right now and not to trust strangers or new friends.

The course of romance is often quite disjointed, there may be a lack of emotional connection and while dating and romance can be quite fun, it can also be quite stressful because events tend to move quickly and are not always that comfortable. This is another month to be cautious with investing and any major financial decisions as you definitely need more information.

September 2024 Horoscope for a Taurus Man (week by week)

Week 1: Get it straight 

Mercury in Leo is square Uranus, and Mars, which is yet to leave Gemini, is square Neptune in Pisces. Now, it’s vital to be cautious with finances, and also if you’re in a brand-new relationship, to be aware of gossip and false friends.

It’s always important to check the facts and not to jump to conclusions. This can be a week where there are knee-jerk reactions emotionally. It may be your Taurus man or yourself that becomes totally distracted by something you’ve heard or something that’s happened, but it’s always important to keep things in perspective and to make sure that you are getting the facts straight.

Sometimes he’s a little bit irritable and restless during this phase; he tends to suffer some anxiety, and so sometimes it’s good to do activities that are relaxing and pretty safe. So, it’s a matter of staying in comfort zones this week.

Week 2: Insulate your love 

With Sun in Virgo opposite Saturn, this is a time when relationships have to be taken fairly slowly. Note of caution in all relationships: romance is definitely possible, but you have to work strongly on the friendship side of relationships, and you must reinforce trust.

It’s important to avoid environments where he could potentially feel triggered or jealous about what certain friends are doing and saying. In fact, the best romance is when you get away from it all, when you just rely on yourselves and you understand what each other wants from a relationship long-term.

Other people are going to exacerbate self-doubt, and they may throw a spoke in the wheels. That’s why you have to focus on yourselves, your own needs, and your relationship, and not get particularly concerned about what other people are doing or saying. This needs to be all about you.

Week 3: Mixed Messages 

With Sun in Virgo opposite Neptune, and with Mercury being square Saturn and then square Jupiter, there’s quite a lot of things to do and new information to deal with this particular week.

What is so essential again for romance is getting away from it all. There’s quite a build-up of pressure and things can be quite hectic, so whether it’s an afternoon escape, an evening at the movies, or even a night away, it’s so essential right now to step away and get perspective.

What is a big problem in relationships right now is there’s definitely the potential for deeper understanding and awareness, but it needs a mature and sensible approach. If your relationship is in any way fragile or communication has been tenuous, it’s going to take a lot more work to get romance back on track.

In the best relationships, you will thrive in each other’s company, but relationships that have recently been stressful need work and a lot of effort in understanding each other simply because there are so many complications and mixed messages this week.

Week 4: Passion in Fashion 

Now, this is one of the most passionate weeks. There is awesome possibility for romance to become exciting and very stimulating. This can be wonderful for your sex life, and the relationship can feel really meaningful.

Any hard work done to reinforce vibrant yet constructive conversation and also to cement the trust and loyalty you have to each other will be rewarded. In new relationships, you may face a few tests and must really work on understanding each other at a deeper level, but this is an awesome opportunity to really connect.

Use your psychic awareness and, again, never forget that he can be a little bit sensitive right now, so you need to really nurture the relationship. With a little bit of effort, romance can evolve into something that is going to feel very special.


All in all, I think a lot can be achieved in relationships with your Taurus man. There’s the potential for romance and for the relationship to become deeper, as well as for you guys to get on top of practical matters and to communicate strongly about things of importance.

However, there are complications, so nothing should be taken for granted. In fact, relationships need a lot of work to be successful right now, but the work will be rewarded.

Make your Taurus man OBSESSED…

Have you ever fantasized about being that irresistible woman in Netflix shows…

The one the leading man just CAN’T stop thinking about?

The sexy, affectionate protagonist would do anything for this woman…

He will go to extremes to get her attention and make her happy.

Now, let’s say the star of this show is your Taurus man…

And you are the filler character who is secretly in love with this gorgeous man…

But is unable to get his attention.

Why is that?

Because you don’t have that “wow factor” that the irresistible girl he’s in love with has.

Well, it’s time to change the narrative.

I’ve created a list of actions, or as I prefer to call them…


This will instantly make him chase youlove you, and OBSESS over you.

He will experience intense feelings he has never felt for anyone else.

Feelings he can’t ignore or suppress because you will connect to his heart in ways he instinctively responds to…

Precisely how you’ve always hoped he would.

The Challenge will become your guide to getting to the heart and soul of your Taurus man…

And will take you to the heart of what makes him tick.

You’ll understand his deepest desires

And fulfill the emotional needs he may not even realize he has.

Through this step-by-step, day-by-day guide…

You’ll learn how to become the woman he finds UNFORGETTABLE.

The one who “got away”…

You’ll reignite his passion and capture his heart in ways he never imagined possible.

So much so that within just 30 days, you may completely transform your relationship…

Emotionallyphysically, and spiritually!

Click here to learn more about The 30-Day Love Challenge with your Taurus man.

I promise you’ll love it.

Sending you much love,

Your sister and relationship astrologer,

Anna Kovach

Anna Kovach

Hi, this is Anna Kovach. I am a professional Relationship Astrologer and author of dozens of bestselling books and programs. For over a decade I’ve been advising commitment-seeking women like you and helping them understand, attract and keep the man of their dreams using the astonishing power of astrology. Join over 250K subscribers on my newsletter or follow me on social media! Learn more about me and how I can help you here.

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