Being in a long-term relationship with a Taurus man and not being completely sure where it will lead can be frustrating. Yes, everything seems fine for now, and it’s not like your Taurus is giving you any reasons to feel he’s cheating. However, how can you know when a Taurus man decides you’re the one?
Taurus men are a delightful combination of the sensible and sensitive. On the surface, they are practical and solid, but beneath their calm surface is a romantic dreamer who longs to be understood and appreciated.
But how can you tell if your Taurus man is just being nice or if he’s ready to commit? He’s so stoic sometimes that it’s hard to tell what he’s thinking or how he really feels about you. Is there a future for you two? Having this in mind, you need to recognize signs a Taurus man is ready to commit.
Being calm, affectionate, patient, and stable, a Taurus man can seem very manly and macho. But don’t be fooled, as Taurus is a feminine sign and he is an emotional creature at heart, so getting a Taurus man to commit is not going to be easy.
You’re in luck because I’ve compiled a list of easy-to-read signs when a Taurus man chooses you and wants to commit to you!
Taurus Man & Commitment
First, you need to know that Taurus men are very slow to commit. They are cautious and want to be certain of what they are doing. If a Taurus man moves too quickly, he will often regret it or pull back.
A Taurus man really wants to know someone before they take the plunge into something more serious. Commitment is a huge step for him, and he doesn’t take it lightly.
If you’ve been struggling with how to capture a Taurus man heart, I strongly recommend checking out my 30-day Taurus Man Love Challenge… It has all the secrets to becoming his dream woman in no time!
How To Know If Taurus Man Is Serious About You?
When a Taurus man decides you’re the one, this is really a big deal! He is a practical guy who wants a lifelong partner and would not want to commit to someone who is a drain on his wallet or who is lazy or irresponsible in general.
When a Taurus man chooses you, that means he cares for you. If you are consistently reliable and your presence provides a constant sense of stability in his world, it is most likely that he is going to be serious about you because this is what he craves.
A Taurus man is committed to a woman who is not prone to changing her mind often or canceling plans unless she really has to. So, don’t fall short on promises; otherwise, your Taurus will lose interest.
Check here what every Taurus man wants in a relationship <<
With all that said, here are some clear signs on how to tell if a Taurus man thinks you’re the one for him. You really should look for those signs that will reveal if your Taurus man wants to commit to you and take your relationship to new heights.
7 Clear Signs A Taurus Man Is Ready To Commit
1. He Discusses Future Plans That Include You
Pay attention carefully, because he’ll just do it as though it’s always been this way. If you aren’t listening then you’ll miss what he says. He will start talking about the future, saying “we” or “us.”
Unless he mentions someone else, then he really means “you and I.” This is a huge sign that he’s deepening the commitment, even if he hasn’t discussed it with you or told you that it’s what he wants.
A Taurus man sometimes just takes action when he’s ready, and he figures that if you aren’t into it, you’ll let him know. He’ll just assume that you two are together and that’s good enough for him!
Anytime he includes you in what he’s going to do down the line, you can rest assured that this is his way of implementing a commitment with you. You had better listen when he talks!
How to know if a Taurus man likes you? Check out here <<
2. He Wants More Time With You
This seems to be true with most signs of the Zodiac. When he wants more with you, he’ll want to spend more time with you. He may ask you to stay over more often, or he’ll stay with you more often.
He will want to take you out more frequently as well. It becomes increasingly important for him to be with you when he can be. Most Taurus men keep very busy whether with work or other projects.
When a relationship with a Taurus man is ripe, he will absolutely want to be around you more and more. A Taurus in the bedroom is also quite a bit better when he is ready to commit, as he lets himself go with you.
Intimacy (not just sex) is very important to the Taurus man. Even if he isn’t the most touchy-feely type of guy. He’ll want to be near you and feel you care for him.
3. When A Taurus Man Opens Up To You
Taurus men aren’t the best at communicating their feelings, but they will do their best to show you how they feel by treating you special. They’ll show you how adored you are – that trade off isn’t so bad, is it?
When a Taurus man is in love and ready to commit, the Taurus man will start to open up to you about very personal things. He’s ready to tell you some of his secrets and desires.
He may also tell you about problems he’s had in the past with relationships (if any). It’s like he wants you to know as much about him as need be so that you know he’s serious about you.
He knows that this is the only way he can truly be close to you for the long haul. It always takes him time to open up, but when he does, you may get more than you bargained for. My husband is Taurus, so I can tell you that honestly!
Here’s more on how to get a Taurus man to open up and share his true feelings with you <<
4. He Wants To Share Space And Time With You
When a Taurus man chooses you, he will actually take steps to get closer. Not only by spending time with you, but he may actually suggest moving in together. Living together is a commitment in itself.
When he mentions doing this, he’s serious about you. He’s ready to take the relationship to a new level. There is no hidden meaning here! If he asks you to move in with him or for him to move in with you, his commitment is a reality.
This allows him to really be closer to you and not have to worry about your safety. Taurus man is protective when he commits. He will not let any harm come to you.
A home with a Taurus man is typically very comfortable. He sees this as your hideaway together from the world. It’s very special and he wants it to be special for you as well.
If you would like to look out for the surefire signs about Taurus man intentions about you, check out my recent blog post.
5. He Pays Way More
The Taurus man is a natural caretaker type of guy. When he’s ready to commit, he will show you by spending more money and doing nice things for you. He will take over the bill when you go out to eat.
He may also pay for your groceries, offer to do maintenance on your car, and other things that cost him money. He sees you now as his and as such, he wants to take care of you as best as he can.
The Taurus man is a family man, and when he commits, you are his family. This includes making sure you are well fed and healthy. He’ll go to the ends of the Earth to make sure you have what you need and desire.
Throwing money around to make you more comfortable is what he loves doing. Enjoy it and know that he now sees you as his queen. It’s important to him to be able to share with you his life and his finances.
6. He Isn’t Afraid For Others To Know
When a Taurus man is ready to commit, he will have no trouble changing his social media status to reflect the relationship. He will proudly post photos of you two doing fun things together.
He’s now ready to tell his friends and family about you. You are important to him, and so now he wants them to know you. He’s typically very private, so this is HUGE!
He’ll remove himself from any dating websites that he may have previously been part of. He is now on a solid path of commitment. He is yours and he sees you as his.
Although, jealousy may come up when he’s committed… so be prepared. He won’t like it if you don’t change your social media status or remove yourself from dating sites. He will expect you to do it as well.
Here’s more on what a Taurus man likes and dislikes in a woman <<
7. He Tells You He Wants To Commit
Taurus men can be very vocal when they want to be. He will likely tell you what he wants when he’s ready to. Then again, he would probably rather show you via the other steps I have listed.
They are blunt though, and he may squeeze it into a natural conversation such as this, “so, now that we’re a couple, I think we should…” That’s a really easy way to tell you.
I have said before and I’ll say it again, pay attention to how he talks to you! He’ll verbally let you know in different ways, if not directly. He’s one of the obvious signs that will show you what is going on in his heart.
His heart opening up to you and displaying what he feels with his time, effort, and money, as well as sharing you with his family are all major signs that your Taurus guy is ready to commit.
Do Taurus Men Have Commitment Issues?
“Why won’t my Taurus man commit?”, is a question I hear a lot from my clients.
If he lets you know and you keep trying to push him, he’ll start pulling back or acting out toward you. So even though you may think you need to have him commit quickly, you may want to hold off a bit.
No, a Taurus man has no commitment issues but is very slow to commit because he takes commitment quite seriously. When you don’t pressure him, when you allow him to come to you in his own time, that’s when the real magic happens for the Taurus man!
Keep in mind that a Taurus man really does want a relationship. It’s just that he’s a little bit scared of moving too fast or rushing into something he might not be certain of.
Either way, he will greatly appreciate your patience, and you’ll see him slowly start warming up. Remember, with his level of stubbornness, this is one person who will push back very hard if he feels in any way pressured.
Learn here how to emotionally connect with a Taurus man <<
FAQ On Taurus Man Commitment
Are you struggling to figure out what to do about your Taurus who won’t commit? Well, luckily for you I have compiled questions that might come up in your relationship.
Hopefully, this can help you navigate your relationship with your Taurus man.
Why Is My Taurus Man Not Ready For A Relationship (Why He Won’t Commit)?
Something that is absolutely NO for a Taurus man, is when you are trying to force him to commit before he is ready. Taurus may not move slowly, but he may not want to move fast either.
It depends on his level of comfort, his maturity, and whatever baggage he may have from the past to determine how ready he is to commit. He’ll let you know if he isn’t ready.
Read next: What Turns A Taurus Man Off (9 Biggest Taurus Man Turn Offs In A Woman)
Why Does It Take A Taurus Man So Long To Commit?
A Taurus man can be attracted to a woman, enjoy spending time with her, and even feel love for her, but not yet feel ready for all that comes with a relationship.
For example, commitment, exclusivity, and responsibility, even the idea of putting energy and focus into being there for her—are overwhelming for a Taurus man.
This is hard to understand if you naturally want to be with your Taurus man because you care about him. Yet sometimes it can be a matter of maturity or even just timing.
Become His Dream Woman In 30 Days (Or Give Up Forever)
Are you frustrated with how slowly things are progressing with your Taurus man? Do you wish you had a magic ball to see into the future to KNOW for sure if he’s “The One” for you? Are you getting tired of trying to figure him out?
Well… I have fantastic news for you!
There is a simple system that takes only 30 days <<
And it will draw him to you like a magnet and get him to fall deeply in love with you… Or you will know for sure that he ISN’T your soulmate so you can move on.
This powerful program will give you everything you need to know for sure if your Taurus is your forever guy.
He WILL respond quickly to this approach if he IS the one for you. And if he doesn’t, you will know in 30 days so you don’t waste another single minute of your precious time.
Taurus men can be stubborn. And they can leave you waiting and wondering for a VERY long time!
I don’t want you to still be in a holding pattern with him a year from now.
This is EXACTLY what you need to get him to commit quickly.
And if he doesn’t… You’ll know he isn’t the right man for you and you can set him loose so you can find your true soulmate.
So no more waiting around. No more playing it cool.
Get your Taurus man to step up or move on. Get your answer in 30 days <<
xoxo, Anna
My Taurus man ghosted me for 6 weeks. I never thought he would come back. But the moment he did, he seems different his more showy of his feelings as if he was sure this time. He showed me more of his side. I was about to ignore him for good but I can see and feel the sincerity when he asked forgiveness from what he did. That happened last year. We seem fine this time but still he’s family don’t know me yet. I’m not sure what’s the real score, is it becoz his slow and taking time or it’s the fact that he has a personal problem being in a house arrest for four years already becoz of drugs. Or maybe becoz I’m a single mother and in our country being a single mom is a big deal. I know that’s one of the factor but still it made me overthink things everyday. Thank you Anna.
Hi Amy!
It sounds like he had some things to take care of with himself and when he finished, he felt more like he should which is fantastic! If he’s pulling it again though… it’s time to be skeptical. Drugs and house arrest? He sounds like he may be a bad seed for you. Until he can get himself stable and sober then it’s probably not good to have him around your child/children. Please be careful. Taurus men are fabulous and if you’d like to know more about the good ones, check out my books on Taurus Man Secrets.
My Taurus man I can’t even predict his behaviour,because today he can show me the real love en commitment tomorrow he is different,he can even ignore me for months and then come back,am just tired of his undetected behaviour,help me what can I do? Mind you the guy is far from me,we are on a distant relationship.I need your please!
Hi Faith!
Well it sounds like he’s rather indecisive and is showing you that via his actions. It also means he is nowhere near commitment yet. I would ask him what he wants and if he wants to be together or not. That should help give you an answer so you know whether to hang in there or to move on. If you’d like to know more about Taurus man’s behaviors, please check out my books on Taurus Man Secrets. I wish you all the best!
Hi Anna! Ok so my Taurus man did all of those things you have said he does when ready for commitment….met family opened up about his feelings paid for everything and even talked about marriage one day. We dated for a year and a half then he broke it off and immediately started seriously dating another girl. I’m putting it lightly when I say I was devastated!!!!! But finally began to get over him and he comes back into my life asking if I would give things another try and that he loved me. Basically swept me off my feet again.and a week later completely disappeared and not another word from him and no response back to me either. I need your help….. I really do love him I always have and miss him and want him back but I also can’t keep getting my heart broken. And Anna he is a Taurus like to an absolute T! I have learned so much from you. Just love u and trust what u say! HELP!!!
Hi Kelly!
You have no reason to believe he won’t do this to you again. He sounds unstable and unsure of what it is he really wants. Until he can figure it out, you need to be careful with your heart. If he wants you, let him chase you and put in the time to prove he will be trustworthy. Otherwise you might want to do your own thing for awhile. I’m so glad that my information has helped you. I appreciate you! Remember, let him chase you and prove to you that he’s going to stick around. Hang in there or hold out for someone better. Check out my book Taurus Man Secrets for more information.
I have been dating this Taurus man for couple of weeks now and I am still confused if he is really into me. Like from your other article, he has this routine of sending me a good morning text and checking up on me the rest of the day and also he always wants to pay during our dates. But I am not quite sure if he really likes me, I have been to his home once, nothing happened even a single kiss and usually we just hug before we part ways on our dates. So is he just the typical slow Taurus that is why it’s like this and maybe he is not that into me?
Hi Lax!
If he’s messaging you and checking on you as well as paying for the dates then I don’t know why you are confused. He is taking it slow and there isn’t anything to worry about at this point sweetheart. Just have patience and wait him out. He does like you otherwise he wouldn’t give you any of his time. If you need more tips, check out my book Taurus Man Secrets!
Hmm I have a taurus friend who calls and texts me several times a day, is that normal for just being friends?
Because I don’t do it with my other friends. As I am an aries myself, and fierce we had some fierce disagreements, we made up again too, but we are both very stubborn, still it’s sometimes hard to agree, but it’s also not an option to leave this friendship. He has been opening up with me about his private life.. He is born 26th April 1989, living in GAMBIA an is 13 years younger then me, but I find him conservative, and having old fashion ideas, like an old soul, he has one daughter..
Hi Anita!
That seems to be a lot of reaching out to you. I would think that means he likes you for more than a friend. He doesn’t even talk to his actual friends that much I bet. He’s been opening up too? Girl! He is definitely into you. It sounds like you two need to talk about what you have and what you both want out of this friendship. Communication is very important and that is a kink that needs to be worked through for you two to successfully move forward. Learn more about Taurus man by reading my book Taurus Man Secrets as it could help you get a bit of clarity.
I’ve been dating my Taurus for over a year but at the beginning we hang out then 3 or 4 weeks without seeing each other thenhe would come like nothing happened I’m a Leo that always annoyed me a lot a snapped a few times really bad! But every time we talked something improved it’s been 6 months since our last bad miscommunication and I have worked really hard since December to try and understand him and be patient. Last weekend was his birthday we were supposed to spend it together but we got “drunk” and couldn’t make it to my place in time since we have curfew at 8pm I was really annoyed but chose to remain silent, he text me saying “baby I’m so sorry I’m at xxx house and I’m drunk” I said ok after a few hours. Usually when he apologizes he gets me something tht I really really like he did tht again this time told me he felt bad for being a “ terrible guy “ but he was very lucky to have me
To what I said – you are terrible!! And hearted his “ I’m lucky to have you” after he replied but I love you sounded like manipulation to me so I said what? He said again I love you! Again I replied did you just say that you loved me ? He said yea I did. After that he said we should go away one weekend, I said I don’t want to get excited and then we never do anything because that’s what you do. He replied baby our relationship just went to the next level trust me we are going. The first time I said I love you he told me I hope you know how much I like you and I appreciate you! And that he was t ready to say I love you back. So my surprise this time was pretty big, he is steady on seeing me every week and being more sweet and easy to be around even taking me grocery shopping with him ( this never happened before) everything seems to be pretty align out of nowhere and all of the sudden. Am I too hopeful? Or am I on the right track? I love him so much I feel like he can read me so well, before this happened like maybe a month ago we were kissing and I hugged him looked him in the eye and told him I want you all for myself almost as if I was saying that I knew I was t the only one. But that I understood that I couldn’t keep him if he didn’t want it. And right after that all this started to happen. Thoughts anyone?
Hi Milica!
I think you’re worrying yourself needlessly. If he’s showing you he cares and tell you as well then why question it? Go with it and see where the relationship leads. Worry will only cause you stress which can cause problems for the relationship. Relax and enjoy! You can also read my book Taurus Man Secrets to learn more about how the Taurus thinks.
What should I do if my Taurus man is asking me for money? Everything else in our relationship is fine except through this.
Hi Angie!
I would say that you need to stop giving him money. You need to be absolutely sure he’s not using you as a financial cushion for his needs. He needs to stand on his own two feet and not depend on you. You can maybe offer him a loan but you’d have to be sure he pays you back. Also, you have to look at why he asks for money. Taurus men normally want to be the supporters to an extent. They don’t feel like a man if they are unable to provide. Just watch it and see where it goes but if you want to learn more about the Taurus men mentality, check out my books on Taurus Man Secrets.
Hi. I just started seeing a Taurus guy. We haven’t met in person yet. We have been talking for almost 2 weeks now. He talks every day, sends good morning, good night messages and talks every moment he can. He also makes it a point to video chat and says he misses me . And he has been making plans including me in everything, wanting me to meet his son, telling me he sees me as his future wife and soulmates And has been opening up about his private life and has been like this from day 1. I feel a deep connection to him and feel the same about him. However, should I be cautious because of how fast he is moving unlike a typical Taurus man?
Hi Anna met this Tarus guy 25 April 1973 born on matrimonial site. He is a widower who lost his wife this year in April due to Covid . It was 28 years of commited relationship. I am Aries we instantly connected we’re talking on phone since it’s long distance .. I came to meet him at His city and he called me to his house casually introduced me to his son too .. he said he need time to settle home but wants to commit he feel we both have a chance .. we got little physical as well which I than stopped feeling insecure. My question is how can he get over his relationship so soon .. and can he be just playing with me I am an Aries 3 April 79. Should I be scared and step back or is it worth it
Hi Eva!
I think he may be looking for something or someone to soothe his broken heart unless of course he and his wife were not close. I would be careful with him. You don’t necessarily want to be his rebound. He does need time. Taurus don’t move on that quickly and I’m afraid if he does then he might regret it and everyone gets hurt. Watch yourself and don’t dive in fast. He may be worth but I think it needs time first. Above all else, trust your gut feeling. I wish you all the luck of the stars sweetheart!
I’ve been dating a Taurus for almost two months. He is always busy and has not the best communication frequency. But we have talked every single day. We see each other once a week. When we do he pays for everything, opens every door, is extremely affectionate. When we spend the night together he literally won’t let me go. He says he is not “getting to know” or having sex with anyone else. But he also says he doesn’t want to rush commitment. But this sounds pretty committed. How much longer should I give him to commit. Or should I walk away?
Hi Kau!
Taurus men are never in a hurry to commit. Have patience with him. If he tells you he’s not getting to know or sleeping with anyone else then what you want to do is ask him “while we’re getting to know each other can I at least ask for exclusivity?” That way you know he’s not with other women and he’ll know you’re not with any other men. It’s alright to take your time together. Taurus isn’t in a hurry for a title either so just be patient sweetheart. If things continue to be good and even grows then you’ll know your time was not wasted as he’ll give you the title you would like to have. If you need more tips, check out my Taurus man guides on Taurus Man Secrets. I wish you the best!
I have been friends with my Taurus man for years but we were never close. Just got each other’s number. Six months ago we reconnected and we still barely chat. We talked a month ago and decided to spend time together for the first time and he showed interest in me. Right now he’s been all over me, wanting me to fix his meals despite our distance and even though he’s a good cook. He’s bad at responding instantly to text, He likes to go out with me and show me off to his friends but he has lots of women in his life but I never asked him about them. I just make him happy and enjoy the moments we share. I give him his space a lot not texting or calling often. He send a text saying he misses me while he was out of town. I’m positive about us, due to some things he said in passing..
Hi Belle!
It sounds like you’re doing very well with him. You’re not pressuring him or trying to change his life. I think that you have a right to ask him what he thinks of what you two have and where you are headed next. Just mention it casually. He’ll give you an honest answer then you’ll know where things are going with a bit more security. I wish you all the luck of the universe!
I am a older widow lady and have been seeing an older widowed man exclusively for 5 years. He just finally started to open up. I got upset with him and sent a text an accused him of disrespecting me. I know it hurt him and he is ignoring me for four weeks now. He will not answer my calls or text. I text him and told him I was sorry I had sent the text. I waited a week and sent a little meme that said I miss your smile,miss you kiss, miss your smile, miss you. I ran into him in a club and he nodded but did not speak to me. the last week I text and said, I know you do not want to talk to me right now, I am very and would like to show you if you let me. and the last text I said “Thinking of you always, hope we can talk soon. He has not responded. Is he done with me and should I move on?
Hi Leidee!
Ouch yes, I would say saying that to him definitely upset him. Going at a Taurus man with any aggression or accusations will shut him down. I am not surprised he’s ignoring you. He feels if you’re going to dirty his integrity up then he doesn’t want to be with you. Give him some space and time. He needs to really cool down. Try not texting him for awhile. He may not be totally done but his actions make it seem as though he is. Test this by not texting him for a few weeks. After that you text him something like “Hey, hope you’re doing well” and leave it at that to see if he replies or not. If he doesn’t then he’s most likely totally done. You could also just go ahead and try moving on. If he wants you back, he’ll come back around. I truly wish you nothing but the best sweetheart!
Anna, I am in a relationship for 10 months now with a Taurus man. I also am a Taurus. There is an age difference. I am older than him. Our relationship right now is sexual. We’ve never been out in public together which in the beginning I chose that. Because I thought that’s what I wanted. But because of our age difference, maybe he doesn’t want to be in public with me I don’t know. He’s just now starting to open up about things. But doesn’t really like to talk. I would like for it to grow into something more, but I don’t know if it can. I think I know him because I know myself what do I do?
Ive been freinds with a tuarus man for almost 7 years
we were both in a relationship when we met and became close freinds always respected me and he never gave me any hints that he wanted anything more than freinds then after almost a year of being freinds I disapeared for about a year due to me being in a toxic relationship and not appreciating the friendship I had with him then I would send him a message hear and there to check how he was doing and he always replied and answered me as well as always looked for me since day 1 he has always been there for me and has gave me the advise I wish I would of taken then I left my ex and my taurus freind visited me and we got closer as freinds then I decided to go back to my ex and he even drove me 10 hours to visit my ex and just told me he wanted the best for me but that he had been wanting to get intimate with me for a long time but i respected my relationship and his and I really didnt see him with other eyes so I told him i wouldnt do nothing while he or I was in a relationship well for other reasons he left his gf about 8 months before I left my ex and about 3 months after we decided to sleep together we agreed that we did not want a relationship he works alot amd has no time and i had alot of healing to work on but we also agreed we would only sleep with each other we trust each other enough and agreed if one of us wanted to sleep with someone else we would stop our situation and continue as freinds we also told each other to not fall in love well here we are 2 years later still sleeping together and the passion and atracción beetween the both of us is great better than anyone ive ever been with but I think I might be falling hard for him and I dont want to rush him into anything even if I tried he would not but he works alot and can get distant and when we see each other its only to have sex witch is great sex so I get confused if this can actually turn into something more in the long run but his hot and cold behavior drives me crazy and I just hope im not waisting my time we get along great and care for each other yet he can go a month without calling me or messaging me and i cant complain i literally ghosted him for a yr it makes me regret sleeping with him because i miss my freindsship with him so much yet I know he is a great person to be with but is so closed off what should i do
I’ve been casually talking with a Taurus man I met for about 2-3weeks there are slow moments of No responses. However I’ve gotten some casual pop ups intuited texts daily. Talks about the future moving in with me. Reading so many similarities between me and others here definitely shed some light on these charming men. ℹ honestly want a future with him even tho as a Leo woman they have no hope for a Lion & A Bull. I am extremely attracted to him he works 6Days a week so making small efforts are savory. We were intimate the 1st day we met and have been talking daily ever since. This relationship has taught me a major amount of patience and it seems so worth the wait . Wish me luck for I am a hopeless romantic and I’ve never felt this way before
First of all, thank you for this article! I wish had read this article while I was seeing this Taurus man.
I met this Taurus man on dating app, we wanted casual meets so we became friends with benefits. One Day 1, he shared about his parents! And he said he would do out of bed activities with me. We met at his apartment and had sex on our 2nd meet. 3rd date we had actual date and shared more things like past serious relationship. But he said he wanted to remove out of bed activities since it felt like dating, and that he wanted to just be sex partners. I’m a Capricorn and I was already emotionally connected with him since Day 1 so I agreed. But he still shared a lot of things about him. And one day, he said he didn’t know how long he could keep this partnership because he was getting emotionally attached. We continued to seeing each other after…still sharing things…but I was getting so confused which I told him straight up. I told him that he’s sharing a lot of things which makes us more connected, yet, I felt like he was trying to distant himself. He said he told me what he wanted which was just sex, and no more. So I broke it off. But I texted him the other day and told him that I missed him. Is this a red flag for him? What was he thinking?
Dear Joo,
A Taurus man may send mixed signals if he has a fear of commitment. Although he might be one of the signs that really loves commitment and settling down, there are Taurus men who have a fear of commitment.
This usually stems from them being hurt in the past and fearing experiencing that emotional pain again. In this case, the Taurus man may send mixed signals as a defense mechanism.
He may have moments of intense closeness and affection, followed by periods of distance and emotional withdrawal. He may be conflicted between his desire for a committed relationship and his fear of getting hurt.Pay attention to how he treats you and interacts with others. If his actions align with his words and he consistently shows care, respect, and commitment towards you, then it may indicate that his mixed signals are simply due to his own internal conflicts or uncertainties. Sending Love!
Hi .I’m Leila but pls hide my name anonymous from philippines .my Taurus guy was known each other for almost 4 years .everything u have said ana are all true .my Taurus guy not ready to commit..once we reach to the point lately this October 2024 he doubted on my love to him .he said he is not believing me I love him and he said impossible bec we are on LDR and we met only 3 times in 4 years buy we talk over cam and chat regularly. so I said if ur doubting on me I can hang myself on your house invested here just to prove it to you that what I’m saying is true..I’m a God fearing person I will not do it and I just want to heard from him what it is his decision Bec he is ignoring me I’m asking about my true stand to his he was shock and send me a prayer thru txt he was worried..but then I feel he was afraid .he wants to redeemed himself if ever there’s something bad happen to me Bec my kids knows everything what I’m doing to his house renovation ..he trusted me financially and what I did to him .as a woman I always dreaming if something will change from him.bec lately Oct he said he was change now .shift on what he feels about me..actually we are only companionship before but no commitment..I agree but lil by lil I begin to fall to what ever Im doing whatever I feel and cared to him (American guy) still I respect him .and Bec of I love him dearly I’am comfortable to him..for everything I’m doing ..he said we are only friends only,u know I’m hurt Bec we still not reach the point we are together then suddenly he shifted from companionship without commitment to friends only. I’m really puzzled still now I manage his investment house renovation here in Phil’s with under my possession..i still love him inspite of everything he did..sometimes it gives me an hint to think that there’s other woman involve..I think so many negative thought Bec of his unstable
decision ..I’m really puzzled just suddenly told me need to move on..oh gosh.painful to remember..he said I need a therapy for myself that I was influenced by the past .that’s true Bec I feel what he done previously the way he showed his actions .I sense he was with other young girls video chatting same as he did to me previously but now he totally cut it .it’s ok Bec as I said to him that we do this outside marriage I feel my conscience it’s not good we need to I pray that from my belief that he will stop his wrong doing to other young girls ..but I trust him that he will not commit ..he is comfortable over social media video call .but being serious he will not do it.i trust him on that .he will not consume his money or invested his money to a not serious status..what I’m blessed he trusted me on his financial goals ,he send money directly to me for his house renovation and now it is on a 90%completion..he is happy I know ..Bec as I always telling him it is his goal with his hard earned money .I’m proud now seeing all these accomplishment with my help
,by supporting him..I think someday even in so hurt words from him I still stand on living him .with my affection and patience someday he will realized everything if not it’s ok at least I’ve done and contribute good for him..thank u Anna .
Hello Dear,
Taurus man is a touchy-feely guy who has to have access to the woman he’s trying to build a life with. He’ll go for a while without it while getting to know her but at some point; he’s going to want her in his arms.
If it’s nearly impossible or doesn’t happen within a time frame he deems acceptable; he will suddenly stop responding, stop reaching out, and will basically phase the woman out.
A long distance relationship CAN work with a Taurus man but you’ve got to be willing to show him the light at the end of the tunnel otherwise he’ll just move on.
Show him that there is something you two can work toward and that you CAN spend time together periodically to ease the physical loneliness you two may feel when you’re apart. Video chatting will help with this as well, but you need to find the way to physically be together, otherwise you will grow apart from each other.
Best of luck to you both!